Item #: SCP-YC-004
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-YC-004 should be stored in a iron safe.
Descrition: SCP-YC-004 is a ████ branded camera. A 4 digit decimal float will manifest on the subjects’ photos took using SCP-YS-004. It has been observed that the float is less than 2. The float indicates the time left for the subject before physical death.
Experimental Log:
Experimenter: Researcher ████
Subject: DD-9325, diagnosed with gastric cancer.
Number Manifested: 1.0924
Description: One (1) hour later, subject deceased by cardiovascular disease.
Experimenter: Researcher ████
Subject: D-9324, diagnosed with cardiovascular disease.
Number Manifested: 0.0412 (approximately one in twenty-four)
Description: Approximately 1 day 20 hours 14 minutes later, subject deseased by gastric cancer.
Can’t you find some normal D-classes? ——Dr █████
Experimenter: Researcher ████
Subject: D-9326, healthy
Number Manifested: 0.0001
Description: Subject deseased 6 seconds later after falling off ██ floor.
Are you braindead? What’s the point of taking a photo of someone who just fell off? ——Dr █████
Experimenter: Dr █████
Subject: D-9327, healthy
Number Manifested: 0.0002
Description: Subject deseased 13 seconds later by monthly termination.
Doctor, why are we experimeting at the termination site? ——Researcher ████
Enough, stop all experiments. Now we are the only site with windows. Compared to what they said on the design book, “helps SCP’s respiration”, I believe it’s more related to SCP-YC-004’s anomalous properties. God knows what will happen next.—— Site██ Director ████
Appendix: After Dr █████’s experiment, assesssing on the potencial risk of experimentation, the Special Containment Procedure have been updated, all experiments related to SCP-YC-004 will be prohibited.